authentic experience

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Yesterday he came on my breasts and then rubbed his semen into my nipples while I masterbated. That's one of the best uses that I know.

Today we took a shower together and washed one another. Then in the living room he fucked me from behind, and it was lovely. I like it better on the floor. I hug my black zafu and brace myself, trying to keep quiet--apartments are horrible. I think as that's the new favored position, my muscles will get strong so we can go for longer stretches of time. Afterwards I masturbated in bed.

Lately I've had a hard time keeping him out of my mouth--I'm orally fixated. I never enjoyed it much before--it was more like a chore. But times have changed because now there's nothing more arousing.

I feel so heterosexual. In service. We trimmed his hair the other day, and it's all so beautiful-looking. And smells so nice.


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